Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ICT Users Learning Group

Good to reconnect with this technology after the holidays and learn new things about Smartboard and Blogging and Scootle. Still have an issue of time to use, explore and develop items to use for class.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm back!! So much has happened since I last wrote- trial exams, School Certificate, end of year stuff awards nite etc, Christmas HOLIDAYS and now back to the business end of the year, January and all the fun stuff of starting the year again!.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Activity 10

Such a wealth of material to use, I am yet to think up all the ways I could use these tools in the class room. I guess some would be helpful for developing student ICT skills. You should certainly not get bored!
It has been a long time between blogs as life has just been crazy! My visit to the Virtual worlds site was eyeopening! Do people really spend such a lot of time on these sites? Obviously I am too much into the real world to escape into this unreality!
However, for all types and styles of writing, recreating history, and creating imaginary worlds it would be a useful tool in the class room at all levels. It is a possible tool in creating cross curriculum tasks in all KLAs. You are only limited by your imagination! I had no idea these worlds existed, however, I have seen avatars in news items before.